Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen
Author: Eric Berlin
Reviewer: Michael

If you like puzzles, mysteries, and adventures you will love, The Puzzling World ofWinston Breen, written by Eric Berlin.

Winston Breen is a puzzle master, he can solve puzzles and even make up his own within matters of seconds. When Winston buys a small box for his sister’s birthday gift he has no idea that the box holds clues to a great mystery.

When Winston comes upon this puzzle, made decades ago, will he be able to solve it?

What kind of strangers will Winston have to work with?

What seems to be an over-emotional librarian, and two treasure hunters, are only some of the strangers Winston will have to work with to solve the mystery. Not only does Winston have to solve this puzzle, but also catch a villain!

Eric Berlin lets you be a part of the mystery by solving puzzles as the story goes along. Will you be able to solve them? Overall I think this is a great book, I enjoyed reading it and solving the puzzles.

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